Thursday, February 4, 2016

Noah's Journey is LIVE!!!!!


Noah's Journey

The years that were taken can never be repaid. 
The memories stolen can never be returned. 
But I had to move forward…for him, my son. 
Noah had spent years wondering what he could have done differently. Wondering what he’d done wrong to make Stacey leave. The heartache from her absence and the what-ifs of their past eventually turned to anger—and then disgust. 

It took years for him to move on, and once he did, his past came thundering back, revealing a secret. 

A secret that would forever change his future. 

Alena had waited for the chance to have more with Noah. He was an enigma, a man of mystery, yet she wasn’t quite ready to give up on him. She knew there was more to him than what he allowed those around him to see. She was drawn to his charm and his calm nature. With an uprooted past of her own, she craved a little stability more than anything. But when things between them finally begin to grow into more, their relationship is tested. 

Will it all be too much for Alena to handle? 
Or will she decide to stay and be a part of…Noah’s Journey?

-Noah’s story is one of the best love story- its filled with doubt, angst, love, and most of all- the fight to keep what is his- his lady and his son. -- By April R Symes

-This book kept me up until 3 AM I had to finish it. Those Sawyer brothers phew... This book was a phenomenal love story filled with angst, jealousy, doubt and a character you just wanted to smack and yell at saying stay the F away from Noah & Alena. --Judy Miracle

Ryan's Love
Book 1 in The Sawyer Brothers Series.
One of the hardest things I have ever had to do was bury my wife. 
The second hardest thing would be watching my twelve-year-old daughter fall to her knees as they lowered her mother into the ground to rest. 

A heart-wrenching vision that will forever be etched in my mind. 

Claire was my best friend—she had been since we were barely old enough to talk. I always knew, one day, I would marry her. I think I may have even told her that a few times while we were growing up. 

Never did I think I would lose her so suddenly. 
I knew at that moment… 

Our life would never be the same again… 

Jackson's Destiny
Book 2 in The Sawyer Brothers Series

Shaken to his core, the loss was excruciating… 

Jackson Sawyer was strong, confident, cocky, and arrogant, but when he loved, he loved hard. 
The Sawyer family was faced with a tragedy that rocked their foundation. Jackson, however, was hit the hardest. He’s the one who can't seem to rise above the grief. 

It has overtaken him… 

Until he finds Bailey Whitmore. She also has a darkness she just can't shake. Yet she hides it well—tucking her sadness away, and shadowing it with a spunky attitude. 
But those demons have a way of showing up when you least expect it… 
Love is intense. 
Loss is inevitable. 

Pain and anger are unavoidable. 

Will they find the strength to rebuild their tainted hearts together? 

Or will it go against…Jackson’s Destiny?

A little about me
Let’s see where to start.

I love HEA stories, as long as they come packing a little heat. I need some excitement, some angst, and moments that make me fan my face are always good too. I am an Illinois girl, born and raised. Simple and true, it honestly doesn’t take much to make me happy. I love the little things; they truly mean the most. I may have a slight addiction to my new Keurig—oh my, that thing is a godsend. And so fast too. I have two children who truly are my very best friends, and their faces never fail to put a smile on my face. I have been married to my husband for sixteen years, and even though at times I want to beat him with a stick, I would never change the years we have had. We have learned and fallen, only to pick each other up, dust off the ache, and help each other make it right. 
I am one of those authors that adore my fans. I love to hear from you. After all, it is because of each one of you that I continue to write. I look forward to your feedback.
Be sure to follow me to stay up-to-date on all my upcoming releases.


1 comment:

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